JUNE 2, 2009  So What's In a Day of Therapy? 

       To give you an idea, here's a recap of Meg's day yesterday

12 am to 8 am: Sleep, but with routine turning/changing of Meg's body position every two hours (to prevent bed sores).
8 am: Ultrasound and XRAY to check for cysts, tumors, blockages, etc.
9 am: OT (occupational therapy); arm excercises on "motomed" bicycle and learned new excercises to strengthen her triceps (Meg's arms were very tired for the rest of the day).
10 am: Meeting and discussion with psychologist.
11 am: Functional Skills class--working on activities people do everyday.
12 pm: Lunch
1 pm: Holistic Medicine class--discussion on stress with the director of psychology, who has been at Craig Hospital for 32 years. Break until 3 pm.
3 pm: PT (physical therapy); Performed a car transfer: wheelchair to car, and back to wheelchair again. (This was physically exhausting, and the car that was used had a cracked windshield, which Meg didn't like looking at because it reminded her of the wreck).
4 pm: Meg had visitors for a while, then signed up for some upcoming group outings, followed by dinner at the Family Apartments with sister Kate, Missy, Logan & Jayci (Nephew and Niece). Meg turned in for the evening soon after.

Meg, Kate, and Kristy the PT have a debriefing and discussion following an exhausting wheelchair to car, car to wheelchair transfer.  Sister Kate had to leave back to the Army today; she's a medic and has recently served in Iraq.

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