Meg using the computer in the technology lab at Craig Hospital. She also did that tie-dye shirt she's wearing.

June 8 (Ella)

I know it’s been a few days since we updated the website.  There have been many things that have changed over this time.  First, Missy, Logan and Jayci went back to Georgia on Friday.  They were very sad to leave Meg.  They had a great time visiting Meg and Colorado, (mostly Craig Hospital).  Missy is a very good friend of Meg's and helped her out with her therapies and daily activities.  Logan and Jayci helped Meg with her recreational therapies by playing Wii tennis and pool. Meg had so much fun with her Neice and Nephew.

I came back into town on Saturday afternoon, June 6, around 2:45.  Meg was in her room reading.  It was great to see her again.  She looked great.  It was reported on Friday by Missy that Meg was moving her left knee a few centimeters, which is very good news.  When I arrived I was able to witness Meg moving her left and right knee a few centimeters together.  We are not quite sure what this means, but we know that some movement is better than no movement.  Meg is continuing to work on moving her legs together.  She also reports having a very warm sensation in her legs, which is good news.  Who knows where this will lead?  But we are all very hopeful.  
Over the weekend (June 6th and 7th) Meg had many visitors.  Meg, REALLY, REALLY enjoys the visits from friends and co-workers.  This really keeps her spirits up and keeps her motivated to get back to her life.  Please keep the visits coming! We are trying to get better at leaving a note at the nurses station as to where we are going to be.  


Meg and her dear friend and colleague Rose Genualdi. 

Today is Monday and we are back into the grind of therapy and classes.  First thing this morning I MADE Meg put on her own shirt.  She told me that she was going to “tell on me” because I was making her do things ahead of schedule.  She tried to tell her physical therapist about it, but got no sympathy from her, and none from her occupational therapist either. We constantly rib and tease each other, and Meg’s sense of humor and playful spirit make her a joy to be with. She is trying to get me into trouble, but with little success.  I told her everyday is therapy around here.  It does not help her that her sister-in-law is an occupational therapist. 
In Physical therapy today Meg worked on sitting balance and trunk control.  This is very difficult when there are no controllable core stomach muscles she can use to hold her upper body in a stable, unsupported position. This is something that we all take for granted, and don’t realize the actual muscle work that is going on when we sit up.  So she has to use her arms and shoulders, which is very difficult.  She is getting stronger everyday.  She also rode the FES bike again today, which she really likes. 

Meg working on the mats doing trunk control excercises  (left), and with Beth and Kristy, her Occupational Therapist, and Physical Therapist.

 In Occupational Therapy, she got a new power wheelchair that is rear-wheel drive.  Her current one is mid-wheel drive.  This new one is supposed to go over uneven terrain better, however Meg and I don't like the new chair.  It goes REALLY slow and is not as comfortable as the old one. She has OT first thing in the morning so we should get the old chair back. 
Overall, Meg is continuing to do great, and we will watch this new leg sensation and movement and see if anything comes of it.  Please keep up with the visit and well wishes, she likes that the most.  I have her laughing about 20 times a day and she consistently says,"you are going to kill me", because she does not have the breath support to laugh very hard.  In fact, her OT said that when we are together she really misses her sister.  I think she said this because we are always joking around and having a really good time. Thank you everyone for your love and support.

Meg making a tie-dye shirt in art class.  The rehabilitation program at Craig Hospital is comprehensive and focuses on the health of the mind and spirit as well as the physical body.

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