May 18th, 2009

I am back in Salt Lake since Sunday evening, so my update comes mostly from phone calls made to Kate, with speaker phone to Meg.
This is our first full week at Craig Hospital and Kate is with Meg, and they have had many visitors already this week. OT and PT began evaluations and therapy and also outfitted Meg with a different wheelchair. This one is powered and Meg says it is much more comfortable. With the new wheelchair, they were able to get a full tour of Craig on multiple floors and they went outside to the nice sanctuary garden located north of the Craig's East Building. In the new chair she was also able to feed herself with use of some adaptive equipment for her hands. Amazingly, she was in her new chair nearly 10 hours today and was very tired when I talked to her.  

Meg's sister Kate, who is currently staying with Meg at Craig. 

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